Community Works
The Harwell Jackpot
The Harwell Jackpot is a program designed to help families who have hit hardship within the community. Every quarter Mr & Mrs Harwell select individuals and/or families and cover expenses, such as, past due car notes or mortgages.
It Takes A Whole Village
The "It Takes A Whole Village" event was created for Inner city high school seniors around the U.S. who are entering into their freshman year of college. They are provided with laptops, dorm essentials and other expenses that are not covered by their academic scholarships. A student was even recently awarded a car.
The Harwell Scholarship
The Harwell Scholarship is a scholarship appointed by the nonprofit organization 3E Programs, Inc to advance and support academic opportunities for African American graduating seniors.
Mrs. Harwell Is a professor for the 3E Program where she teaches a virtual financial literacy course for college freshmen on the campus of Howard University, Yale University and Virginia State University.
The Grocery Giveaway
Every month, Mrs. Harwell gives away thousands of dollars worth of groceries to families that are experiencing financial hardships. During the most recent pandemic, over $10,000 worth of groceries were given away. This program Is for those who do not qualify for food stamps but still do not make ends meet.
Beautiful Conquerors Project
The Harwell family created the Beautiful Conquerors Project to celebrate women who have overcome extreme battles. Some of the recipients Include cancer survivors, abuse survivors and addiction survivors. These women are showered with gifts, love, served brunch, given a make over and gifted with an all expenses paid trip to Hawaii!
Give Back Attack
The Give Back Attack Event was created to help women who had recently lost their jobs the opportunity to receive makeovers, free training and resume assistance. The purpose is to assist the women with landing better opportunities to advance their careers!